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Alingning individual employee work product to corporate strategy

Performance Profiling

Leslie E. Anderson

Chief Strategy Officer
Vizient, Inc.

Proven track record of building and leading high performing teams, producing high quality deliverables, and driving and managing change with the proven Conifer methodology.

I have used Performance Profiling for years not only for recruiting but for current employee objective setting and performance monitoring and review.
Unlike a job description which is stagnant in time, a Performance Profile can be updated as priorities change. My rule of thumb is to update each employee’s Performance Profile at least quarterly.
Borrowed from the tenants of The 4 Disciples of Execution there should be no more than three Performance Objectives each cycle. These Performance Objectives are strategic to the individual and must be specific, measurable and time bound. Developing these Performance Objectives in concert between each staff member and me, leaves little room for doubt when it comes to what needs to be accomplished by when.
The greatest synergy occurs when you can align individual employee Performance Objectives to corporate strategy. Start with the corporate Mission / Vision and cascade it down through departmental statements of purpose to the individual. I use online strategic planning software to track it all and provide line-of-sight from the corporate mission to individual employee deliverables.

Performance Matrix

Recruiting, Qualifying and Candidate Presentation via a Performance Matrix

Let Conifer Employment Solutions demonstrate the power of using a Performance Matrix not only for recruiting but for existing employee goal setting and accomplishment monitoring.


Strategy Aligned Management



We can help develop well written and impactful mission and vision statements or review current ones.


We are expert at transforming corporate mission and vision into actionable strategies.


This step is complicated. There are a lot of moving parts. We have refined methodologies to ensure strategic objectives are met and encompass the mission and vision.


We can demonstrate how the sum of the parts must equal the whole by developing a Performance Profile for each position or training your staff how to do it.

Speak directly with our team and learn more about the Conifer methodology