Company and Sitational Analysis
In-Dept Company and Situational Analysis
This results in a mini strategic plan for the company as it pertains to the performance criteria for the job.
One of the most powerful skills in a leader's toolbox is the ability to align individuals' work product to corporate strategy.
We take a 360-degree view of every job when developing Performance Profiles resulting in employee work product alignment with departmental and corporate strategy. Using a balanced scorecard approach to individual jobs ensures multiple perspectives are addressed in job deliverables. This creates focus, transparency, clarity and accountability for each position.
An exercise that we use often to demonstrate that there might be room for improvement in this alignment is to ask the "boss" to write down the answers to the following three questions for each of her / his subordinates.
- What is the most important thing this individual should be working on?
- What is the second most important thing this individual should be working on?
- What is the third most important thing this individual should be working on?
Then we get the "boss" and all of her / his direct reports in a room and in a two-minute exercise ask each participant to write down the answers to the following three questions.
- What is the most important thing that my boss thinks I should be working on?
- What is the second most important thing that my boss thinks I should be working on?
- What is the third most important thing that my boss thinks I should be working on?
It never fails to amaze how different (misaligned) the answers have been even for people who have worked together for years. Let us demonstrate the concept of Strategy Alignment and People.

Performance Profiling
Performance Profiling
This step goes beyond the usual recruiting methodology of matching candidates to duties, title, skills responsibilities and education. It matches candidates' actual past accomplishments with the performance objectives and milestones of the position as identified in step one.
A Performance Profile is the building block of strategic alignment.
It is significantly more comprehensive and job specific than a traditional job description. Developing Performance Profiles aligns employee work product with corporate goals and supports strategy execution.
Performance Profiling facilitates retention and top-drawer performance by ensuring that the employee clearly understands the position deliverables and the challenges she/he will be facing.

Performance Matrix
Recruiting, Qualifying and Candidate Presentation via a Performance Matrix
This results in a line-by-line comparison of the performance criteria for the job and the candidates' past accomplishments taking the guesswork out of the matching process for all members of the hiring team even if some hiring team members do not have an opportunity to meet personally with the candidates.
The candidate presentation matrix is a critical component in presenting candidate credentials to you.
It matches the candidate’s past accomplishments with the performance requirements of the job.
Unlike a resume which is a non-job-specific document, the candidate presentation matrix organizes resume content and other salient information not included in the resume and matches it with the performance challenges of the position.
The matrix is broken down into three distinct sections.
Performance Objectives are the actual deliverables to be accomplished for the position and the most important section of the matrix. The candidate’s previous track record of similar accomplishments is the best predictor of his/her ability to succeed at accomplishing the position deliverables.
Position Requirements are the qualifications that together we will determine to be necessary for the position. Not having the exact position requirement in every instance does not eliminate a candidate from consideration. If in the past a candidate has accomplished similar performance objectives to those required for this position, then it stands to reason that this candidate will have exactly the right qualifications for the job.
Speak directly with our team and learn more about the Conifer methodology